My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I was craving some sort of fantasy to get lost in, so I took a dive into a YA novel again. It was fun, it was fast, it was... romanc-y, which was not as fun.
I liked the plot, I liked the plot twists, even though I predicted like 90% of them. I did get a tiny bit bored in the mid-section of the book, probably because I kept predicting everything. I will admit that the last 50 pages of the novel was pretty exciting and did take me by surprise.
The romance was very fast, and seemed, well, downright unrealistic. But hey, I guess that's why it's a YA fantasy novel. I mean, Scarlett is deceived and abused by men THE ENTIRE novel, and yet her "trust issues" go away in the span of 4-5 days? Not exactly that easy to erase years of trauma in real life. I did like the little joke (maybe I just have a sick sense of humour) with the whole "love triangle" that was going on, but I won't reveal any spoilers.
Menagerie is still my favourite circus-themed novel because of how dark and mature it is, so maybe my expectations for this book were a little too high. I don't think I'll be reading the next books in the series, not that I hated this book, it's just not my cup o' tea.
If you like fun little romps in a magical circus this book is probably for you.
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